Overseas University Placement

We ensure a seamless transition from one level of education to the other without hitches...
Apply Now...
Start your application today and secure admission into any of our partner colleges and universities in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Switzerland, Cyprus, China, Dubai, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Mauritius etc., for different start dates by completing the
online University Application Form.
University Application Form

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Can't Afford
Studying Abroad ?

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We are committed to helping people discover and actualise their career dreams!
Overseas University Placement

Jestone Education ensures a seamless transition from one level of education to the other without hitches.

We achieve this in partnership with reputable colleges and universities across all continents of the world.

Lets Get You Started
Our Unique Selling Points:
  • Fast track admission offers within 48-72 hours turnaround time.
  • Several partner colleges and universities across the world with different study budgets to choose from.
  • Flexible start dates in various partner colleges and universities – January, February, May, June, July, September and October.
  • Flexible entry requirements – No TOEFL, IELTS, SAT, ACT, GMAT or GRE.
  • Study visa processing support.
  • Guaranteed study visa application success.
  • Accommodation booking support.
  • Travel arrangement support etc.
Actualise your International Education and Career Progression Goals with Jestone Education!